Hello World!

I made it to Lisbon a few days ago. I’m staying in the oldest neighborhood of the city, Alfama.

I’ve been recovering from jetlag and exploring a bit. I was so glad that my self-packed bike didn’t get damaged on the way over; all thanks to this video.


Lisbon has excellent bike paths. I rode along the coastline here from the April 25 Bridge down to the Vasco da Gama Bridge.

The April 25 Bridge was modeled after both the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Bridge. How fitting.

The apartment I’m staying in seems to be between a child daycare playground and a drug dealer. So, I’m hearing a lot of interesting things day and night. It’s quite annoying really, but I can live with it for a few days. It makes me want to get out of my apartment 😀

Street sounds from my bed.

In a few days I plan to load up my bags onto my bike and leave Lisbon to ride down to Sagres.

Happy Birthday Diane!